Kings County Board of REALTORS® holds a County Wide Open House Extravaganza on the first Saturday of every month from 11:00p.m. to 2:00p.m. for any of our MLS members who may want to advertise and showcase their seller’s home during this advertised time.
Homes scheduled for the month with KCBOR are listed on this page and updated until a few days before the open house date. Please print out the list if you are interested in viewing the homes during this scheduled time frame.
Please check www.kcbor.com & Kings County Board of REALTORS® Facebook Page for the most current homes featured. Homes listed are subject to change without notice.
What is an Open House?
Open Houses are a scheduled period of time in which a house or other dwelling is designated to be open for viewing for potential buyers.
Why might I, as a Seller, want to take part in an Open House?
Open houses can give additional exposure to a seller’s home. Whether it’s street signs, newspaper ads, or internet ads that are promoting the open house, having an open house can lead to additional exposure.
Why might I, as a Buyer, want to take part in an Open House?
Visiting an open house gives would-be buyers the opportunity to speak directly to the seller’s agent. And the best way to take advantage of this personal meeting is to be prepared. Some examples of questions to ask regarding the home might be:
- How long has the property been on the market?
- What’s the seller’s timeline?
- How much do the utilities cost for the home?
- What schools are in the area?
- When was the house last updated?